• 1000017898
  • 1000016361

    Asbestos Cement Water Tanks

    These are heavy awkward objects not only taking up valuable loft or cupboard space but also making these areas a no-go zone in the fear of family members breathing in toxic particles. We can remove your redundant Water Tank, whether it fits through the loft hatch or not. If it fits through as a whole piece, great, It will be wrapped & sealed in 1000 gauge plastic wrapping prior to its departure. However, if it does not fit through the loft space in its entirety, we will conduct what is known as a controlled breakage. The Tank is wrapped in 1000 gauge plastic prior to any breakage and then broken pieces wrapped again prior to their departure from the loft area.

    Safely Remove & Dispose of or Safe Collection & Disposal

    We can either safely remove your Tank from its existing location within your property. Or, simply collect from your garden if it has already been removed. Either way, we will provide you with a Hazardous Waste Consignment Note, which will be your record of where the waste was taken once it left your premises. This is very important, as you are equally liable along with the the Waste Carrier as to where the waste ends up.